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Humanist Canada marks the death of Blodwen Piercy.  

December 3, 1926 — January 12, 2024

Blodwen Piercy was recognized in 1998 as Humanist Canada’s Humanist of the Year, an honour she shared with her husband Joe (1924-2013).

She was an active organizer, presenter, and writer representing the values of Canadian Humanism locally and internationally with groups such as the American Humanist Association, Freedom from Religion Foundation, Center for Inquiry, and Humanists International.

Blodwen was introduced to Humanism by Henry Morgentaler as she was drawn to his rational and humane approach to protecting reproductive rights in Canada. Blowden and Joe were members of the founding group of the Ottawa Humanist Association. They each, in turn, served as President of Humanist Canada. 

“Humanist Canada owes a deep gratitude for their leadership and contributions, not only to Humanist Canada but also to Humanism and many other causes in Canada and around the world. It’s a great reminder that we stand on the shoulders of humble giants.” Humanist Canada President, Martin Frith.

We extend our condolences to her family and friends. 


Article: The Free Library



Dear Humanist Canada Members,

I am delighted to share the remarkable results of our year-end fundraising campaign! Thanks to the incredible support and generosity of our dedicated community, we have raised an impressive $14,295 from a total of 94 donors.

This achievement is a testament to the commitment and passion that each of you brings to our community. Your belief in our mission and your willingness to contribute to our cause has surpassed our expectations, and we are genuinely grateful for your unwavering support.

The funds raised through this campaign will play a pivotal role in advancing our mission to promote and protect the separation of religion from public policy, foster critical thinking through secular education, and provide community support for all Canadians. Your contributions are the driving force behind our ability to create positive change and further our goals.

As we step into the new year, the Board and staff remain steadfast in our commitment to the mission of Humanist Canada and are enthusiastic about the opportunities that lie ahead. With your ongoing support, we are confident in our ability to make a lasting impact and drive positive change in Canada.

Thank you once again, and here's to a wonderful year ahead.


Lee Burton
Fundraising Strategist, Board Member

Please note that our discussion on Intersectionality has been postponed until the Spring of 2024.

MEMBER'S ONLY DISCUSSION  - Invitation for Member Perspectives - Death Anxiety and Living Well.  

Sunday, January 28, 2024, 3:00 PM EST (Event link is in your member portal)

Recording  Discussion: Interfaith Family.  Marriage and Parenting with Mutual Respect. (recorded live on January 14, 2024)

Click Here to Watch


February 25, at 3:00 PM. 

Sunday, January 28, 2024. 3:00 PM EST.   The event link is in your Member's Portal. 
Religion has long been a source of comfort to the critically ill and dying. The promise of an afterlife, and the assurance that those who die are not "really dead," can be a powerful motivator to ignore doubts or concerns about the truth of one's religious beliefs. For those who leave a religious belief system, losing that comfort can be a source of much grief and fear. However, for many years secular individuals have managed to not only keep death-related anxiety at bay but to thrive and live well - no fear of death required.
Join social scientist and Humanist Canada volunteer Daniel Dacombe for an exploration of how we as Humanists face the existential issues of death, dying, and eternity. Daniel will be providing a brief presentation on death and anxiety from the perspectives of anthropologist Ernest Becker and psychiatrist Irvin Yalom, touching on the subjects of Terror Management Theory and how our views on death have evolved. After the presentation there will be a virtual roundtable with the members in attendance - this virtual roundtable is an opportunity for Humanist Canada members to share their insights, perspectives, and personal practices for coping with our finite lives. Some of the perspectives and insights shared by Humanist Canada members may be anonymously included as part of a publicly available webinar at a later date as part of Humanist Canada's outreach programming. 
The link to this members-only discussion is in your member portal. 


It has been forty years since the discovery of HIV — the virus responsible for AIDS. With effective testing and treatment now available, HIV has faded from the public consciousness, but it remains a serious and complex issue. What is required to meet the global goal of ending HIV as a public health threat by 2030? And what does the HIV epidemic and response teach us about how to respond to other health emergencies, including pandemics?

Alison Symington is a legally trained advocate, writer, strategist, and project manager who will lead this discussion on HIV. 

Sunday, February 25th, 3:00 PM.  Watch this space for the Zoom link. 


New: All of our community platforms are open to members only.  The link to access each platform can now be found in your member portal. 


Are you looking for a good conversation? All of our members are welcome to join us at our weekly Members' Connect Zoom discussion group - open format.   We meet every Wednesday at 6:00 PM EST. 


Spots have opened up for our popular book club.  If you wish to participate please read the book and then join us for the discussion. 

To learn more about our book club please email

Contact Members of the Book Club

February 6th, 7:00 PM - The Salem Witch Hunt: A Captivating Guide to the Hunt and Trials of People Accused of Witchcraft


February 1, 7:00 PM.   Subject: Riopelle. 


February 8th, 7:00PM     Register Here


Stratford Chef School Member's Dinner - February 13th, 6:45 PM.  Book directly and ask for Theresa's Table.  Reach out to Bettianne Hedges for more information 

Reserve your spot at the Humanist Canada Table


WINDSOR  For event details and more information please contact.  A food bank/collection is being planned for February and March. 

VANCOUVER  (hybrid) For event details and more information please contact 


If you would like to begin a chapter or host a local member gathering in your region - and we can help you do just that - please reach out.  

Humanist Canada ARTtalk

Launching Thursday, February 1 at 7:00 PM EST 

One of the fundamentals of humanism is the value of artistic creativity and we recognize the transforming power of art. Humanism affirms the importance of literature, music, and the visual and performing arts for personal development and fulfillment.

Join us for art appreciation discussions, sharing of related book titles,  digital resources, exhibition reviews, member travel highlights, and even planning for the possibility of future group gallery trips. 

To begin the group will choose two or three well-known paintings to explore both the image and the artist.  Let's talk about the Canadian contemporary art scene. 

And to get us started  - Jean-Paul Riopelle. Canada has been celebrating the anniversary of Riopelle’s birth with exhibits from coast to coast.  The group will choose subsequent subjects.  

The link to this members-only community platform is in your member portal. 



Bettianne Hedges, our Executive Director, will host an evening to welcome new members and answer questions. We will also talk about how members can become humanist officiants in Ontario.  New or hoping to find new ways to engage as a member - we hope to see you there. 

Thursday,  February 8th at 7:00 PM EST.     

Register Here

Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights has asked us to support their push for contraception access by writing to your Member of Parliament!

Add Your Voice

Dying with Dignity has asked our members to consider the following petition asking the Minister of Justice to bring in a change to the Criminal Code that would allow for an advance request for MAID – essentially a written, witnessed request that outlines a series of triggering medical conditions, the onset and verification of which, would amount to intolerable suffering for the patient, and would be the occasion for a clinician to grant a patient’s prior expressed wish for a medically assisted death.

As we know, a petition is used to draw attention to an issue of public interest or concern and to request that the Government of Canada take some action. Once complete, the petition will be read in the House of Commons by authorizing MP Brendan Hanley. The government is required to respond to all petitions read in the House of Commons within 45 days. 

 Visit the House of Commons website here

Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the button to sign the petition. 

A little Sunday reading...

Article: An Atheist Chaplain and a Death Row Inmate’s Final Hours

Article: Happiness Through Humanism

We invite you to add your voice to the conversation


We value your membership, volunteer effort & financial support 

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