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704 Lisburn Road | Suite 102 | Camp Hill, PA 17011 | 717.236.7644
Dear Andre:
As 2023 draws to a close, I want to thank each and every one of you for your commitment to your state park or forest. Individually and collectively you are making a difference.
A way to reflect on what you accomplished - and to share it with your members and donors as well as your DCNR partner - is through the annual PPFF chapter report. The form is available online in both fillable pdf and Excel forms in the Resources section of the website. There you will also find the conflict of interest policy and the annual form for signature by each member of your chapter's board (as well as a link to a Google form you can complete online).
We have heard from several chapters that the inventory of sale items proved to be very helpful when managing the sales program. If you have sales, an updated inventory will also need to be completed.
Have a wonderful holiday!
Marci J. Mowery, President
Look for virtual Zoom training for new (and existing) chairs, treasurers, and secretaries early in the New Year.
And a quick look ahead, at 6:30 PM on March 7th, PPFF has contracted for the following training, as per your request! Attendance is free and unlimited to board members of Friends groups.
Best Practices for Membership Recruitment & Retention
Join master trainer, Chad Barger, CFRE, ACNP for a webinar on marketing and growing a thriving membership program. Chad will provide specific, actionable steps that you can take to expand your membership program by both recruiting new members and improving your renewal rate. Templates and resources will be provided to help attendees implement the recommendations.
Stay tuned as time draws near for registration.
PPFF has been invited, and is participating in, the Bob Ross Happy Little Trees Virtual 5k! This virtual event raises funds for tree plantings. Our colleagues in Michigan invited us to be one of nine states in this year's event. You can learn more at: Run for the Trees: Happy Little (Virtual) 5K (runsignup.com)
Sharing the data from your annual report is a great way to let members and donors know that their investment in you is making a difference. Consider sharing how many hours of volunteer time your group had, some of the major accomplishments, and your greatest success. People like to support success---so shout it from the rooftops!
The PPFF website is a great source of information and guidance with forms you can use and information you should know.
You receive this monthly email as a result of your position with a Chapter of the Pennsylvania Parks & Forests Foundation, our board, or interested DCNR staff.
In spite of the {Required by Anti-Spam laws} unsubscribe link provided below, PLEASE do not unsubscribe from this email or you will miss important Chapter information. If you are no longer a member of the Chapter's board, please contact Marci or Pam to let us know.