Testify at City Planning Commission Public Hearing on January 24







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Support New Zoning Proposal
to End Dancing Ban in NYC

On Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. ET the City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing and vote on proposed reforms to zoning laws prohibiting dancing in nightlife venues.

While the 1926 New York City Cabaret Law regulating dancing at commercial establishments was successfully repealed in 2017, the underlying requirements that allow for patron dancing were not eliminated. City zoning laws still prohibit dancing in smaller nightlife establishments in more than 80% of the city.

Last fall, the Mayor proposed the City of Yes initiative, which contains suggested reforms to city zoning that would “legalize dance”—permitting dancing and live entertainment at venues where music is allowed and effectively completing the full repeal of the Cabaret Law.

After referrals to community and borough boards and borough presidents for review last year, the amendment will now go to the City Planning Commission for a public hearing and vote, followed by a hearing and vote in the City Council.

What this means
Currently, zoning allows dancing only in high-density commercial and manufacturing districts in venues for over 200 patrons—disregarding smaller venues and clubs that largely serve marginalized communities including ALAANA and LGBTQIA+ communities and immigrants. While enforcement of the zoning regulations around dancing tapered off after 2017, dance advocates say the regulations mostly serve as a disincentive for new businesses and perpetuate systemic inequity through the discretionary deployment of the restriction by law enforcement. One of the proposals in the “Zoning for Economic Opportunity,” aims to revise regulations by allowing social dance to take place in any bar or restaurant in any commercial or manufacturing district under a 200-person capacity. The changes aim to remove the threat of enforcement from current venue operators, support acts of personal and cultural expression, and reflect the current economic benefit of nightlife in NYC. 

On the docket for this public hearing, will also include the broader proposals under the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity outlined on the Dept of City Planning’s website.

What you can do
Testify in person, online or by phone, and tell public officials why social dancing should be freely available to anyone in any venue in New York City. Explain how the city’s restrictive dancing regulations negatively impact individuals, communities, and businesses.

Details on how to testify by video conference will be posted on nyc.gov/engage one hour in advance of the meeting. You may also submit written testimony by mail. If you don’t wish to testify but would like to join the meeting via livestream, visit bit.ly/NYCPlanningStream

You can also support ending the prohibition on dancing by signing the Legalize Dance petition.